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Originally from northern Utah and Sun Valley, Idaho, I grew up with a deep appreciation for nature and the power of untouched wilderness. Camping trips and weekly excursions to explore were a part of my childhood. I fell in love with the landscape, the steep blue mountains and red deserts, the clear cold waters of glacial lakes and tiny wildflowers. As I grew older and went through my high school years, I discovered traveling. I was able to experience and see things that were a wonder to my eye. One that made an impact was a gallery in Sydney, Australia that was featuring young artists’ work. I realized that art galleries weren’t just for the old masters. I too could make and show my artwork. 

After my adventure to Sydney, I enrolled at Idaho State University. College was a wonderful experience for me. I enrolled in a variety of subjects each semester, racing across campus to get to my next Philosophy class, or Introduction to Weaving. I gained so much by taking a wide variety of classes. I took each class outside of the Art Department as an inspiration for my artwork. As I explored my craft through art, I also explored my inspirations and interests. I made a molecule in sculpture class, and a planetary brooch in Jewelry. I tried to allow each new learning experience to speak to my artwork. I found my ultimate expression through painting and drawing. I felt at home working with my hands and letting the colors flow on the canvas. I found a process, which I call ‘intuitive painting’. Intuitive painting to me, is selecting materials and mediums that speak to me that day, in the moment. I work with the material and try to clear my mind of expectation or thought. I allow the creation to flow through me. I am the flute. I think of myself as a conduit of Creation. These images and paintings are not mine, I am merely bringing them to light. When I let go of my assumptions of a piece and let it evolve on its own, intuitively, magic happens. 

Through these experiences of intuitive art, I have come to understand my life’s purpose was not only to make artwork, but to share it. To find the people I created the artwork for. These are not my images. These are yours. These are your dreams, too.

I look forward to meeting you and sharing in this intuitive journey! 

Danielle has made her home in Portland, Oregon. Portland is a wonderful place to gain inspiration and insight. She lives with her partner and comrade cat, Muffin. Both are great muses. Danielle thrives through traveling, motorcycling, all things green and growing, and vintage clothes.

I love sharing my artwork with others. I feel the need to create, a fire burning inside of me, only quenched when the work itself is out and ready for viewing. I don’t always know what the images mean or why they are coming. I just know I have to work, explore, allow the creation to flow through me. Over the years, I have realized that I do not need to understand the power that drives my paintings or the paintings themselves. They are a mystery and that mystery is unfolded through others and their insight, their meaning, that allows me to see the work behind my intuitive painting. It is the conversations with my collectors that show me the very personal and often sentimental feelings that are invoked, pointing out things that I had never seen in the piece. Art is a conversation with the heart through the eyes and each person who sees art brings their own sight to the piece. This is something I love to experience with my collectors.


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